What To Eat After Dental Implant Surgery

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Despite the advancements in dental technology, millions of people experience tooth loss. This may be due to a poor dental hygiene routine, gum disease, or even a trauma to your mouth. Dental implants are a highly effective treatment option for tooth loss. One of the important aspects of getting dental implants is the recovery period. You will need to make some adjustments to what you eat during that period. Below you will find helpful tips on what to eat after dental implant surgery.

What To Eat After Dental Implant Surgery

Your dental implant appointment can take a few hours so you will likely be hungry right after. Taking proper post-surgery measures when it comes to food is important for your recovery. Your ability to chew will be impacted for roughly two weeks so consider the following tips on what to eat after your dental implant surgery for optimal recovery.

Liquid Meals:

This may sound worse than it is, but there are a lot of options when it comes to eating foods that you don’t have to chew. This is just for a short period after your dental surgery and you can gradually adjust as you begin to heal. Focus on liquid meals for the first two days after surgery.

Some of the best foods include soups, broths, meal replacement drinks, protein shakes, fruit smoothies, and juices. Include foods that are high in calcium and vitamin C. Calcium can help keep your teeth strong and vitamin C can promote good gum health. However, avoid consuming too many citrus fruits as they can break down your tooth’s enamel due to their acidity.

Easy-to-Digest Meals:

As you transition from liquids to more solid food, choose soft foods that are e a little more filling without needing a lot of chewing to break down. You can begin introducing these foods after the first couple of days. Talk with your dentist in Encino if you are concerned about your dental implant or your recovery progress.

Some of the best easy-to-digest meals include oatmeal with mashed berries, grits topped with soft cheese, mashed potatoes and gravy, scrambled eggs with soft cheese, mashed sweet potatoes. Eggs are a great source of phosphorus and vitamin D which helps promote good dental health. Sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamin C (without all of the acidity of citrus fruits) which is helpful for your gums.

Easy-to-Chew Meals:

As you progress in your recovery, you will know when you can introduce foods that require more chewing. You should be able to eat more easy-to-chew meals after the first week of your recovery.

Some of the best easy-to-chew foods include cooked leafy greens and meat that is soft, moist, and easy to chew. Leafy greens such as kale and spinach can provide you with calcium as you heal which is highly beneficial for your teeth. While chicken, turkey, and beef can be cooked to a point that they are easy to chew, fish is also a great option during your recovery period. Salmon, cod, or halibut are really easy to chew and are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. This helps reduce inflammation if your gums are still swollen.

Dental Implants in Encino

If you are considering tooth replacement options, dental implants are highly effective. As long as you take good care of your oral health and avoid harmful habits, like smoking, they can last more than 25 years. Dental implants in Encino are a long-lasting treatment option that can improve the look of your smile. Contact the team at Encino Family Dental today for an appointment!

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